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a drifting space ship wakes up due to unusual interference in space. almost right after this, an unk……


a drifting space ship wakes up due to unusual interference in space. almost right after this, an unknown enemy attacks the ship. to withstand this new threat and reach the source of the signal, the ship’s command module activates an industrial fabricator, which you take control of.your tasks include constructing an energy grid, procuring resources, upgrading the ship and destroying enemies.every enemy type has its own peculiarities. they have their o...

a driting pae hip wake up due to unuual intererene in pae. almot right ater thi,an unknown enemy attak the hip. to withtand thi new threat and reah the oure o the ignal,the hip ommand module ativate an indutrial abriator,whih you take ontr o.

your tak inlude ontruting an energy gr,prouring reoure,upgrading the hip and detroying enemie.

every enemy type ha it own peuliaritie. they have their own trength and weaknee.

a you approah the phantom ignal,you enounter miion that demand a trategi approah to ontruting and deending your bae.

the univere wont reveal it eret to the irt peron that ome along. youll need to travel a long and ompliated path through multiple tar ytem to ind the oure o the ignal.

invite your riend and ompete or the top pot while ompleting miion!

key eature:

- inredibly beautiul deep pae

- a plotline,main and emiion

- non-linear approah to ompleting miion

- ytem or reearhing and upgrading unique abilitie

- varied enemie with adaptive ai

- ability to elet a omortable game peed or you

- exellent replayability (potentially)


