explore the final frontier in the ultimate star trek™ strategy rpg, star trek timelines. join starfleet and save the alpha quadrant from temporal anomalies which bring together heroes and villains from all of star trek history. star trek timelines is the first mobile game to include ships and characters from the new series star trek: discovery!!features ● assemble your crew from hundreds of characters from star trek, the next generation, deep space...
explore the inal rontier in the ultimate tar trektrade; trategy rpg,tar trek timeline. join tarleet and ave the alpha quadrant rom temporal anomalie whih bring together heroe and villain rom all o tar trek hitory. tar trek timeline i the irt mobile game to inlude hip and harater rom the new erie tar trek: diovery!!
● aemble your rew rom hundred o harater rom tar trek,the next generation,deep pae nine,voyager,and enterprie,eah with their own unique kill and abilitie
● ommand ioni tarhip,inluding the u enterprie,deiant,a klingon bird o prey,the borg ube,and many more
● engage your enemie in tunning 3d hip battle with exiting pve play or in pvp battle arena where youll tet your rew mettle againt the bet aptain in the galaxy.
● explore the galaxy,gaining inluene among a dozen ation,inluding the ederation,the maqui,the dominion,the terran empire (to: mirror,mirror),and the inamou etion 31
● limb the leaderboard and win rare reward with peial event miion.
● tunning graphi bring the 24th entury to lie in the mot immerive and thrilling tar trek experiene ilable
tar trek timeline opy; diruptor beam,in. tar trek trade; opy; b tudio in. opy; paramount piture orp. tar trek and related mark and logo are trademark o b tudio in. all right reerved.